September 3 - October 7, 2023
Tombstone, Arizona
Over the last few years Bill has dealt with multiple health issues that we've known would eventually take us off the road. Last Spring he was told that when we returned he had to get a fistula "installed" to prepare for eventual dialysis. All of this contributed to our reduced travel route for 2023.
Upon our return we're happy to get his care transferred to a specialist who comes highly recommended, and who is also in much closer Sierra Vista. Tucson for several treatments a week just wasn't going to be practical.
Meeting Bill, the doctor is confident he is a long time from dialysis. Test results show just the opposite, and he is immediately scheduled for the fistula. Complications keep that from happening as planned, increasing the urgency. Fortunately a temporary option is available that expedites the dialysis, and hopefully the surgery done on Friday will make that happen.
So big changes for us moving forward, with RVing likely off the agenda for good. Dialysis is a life-saving blessing, but it is time-consuming, and it is forever. We're grateful we bought the house when we did, and that we've made it a nice home we enjoy. Being "out in the country" with 360 degree views and lovely weather most of the year was, and is, a good choice.
Dialysis away from home is possible, so visits to the family in SoCal will still happen. We plan to make Bill's 50th high school reunion in April.
Bill is feeling fine and I'm making peace with all our changes. His Dallas Cowboys are having a great season, and my Pittsburgh Steelers have to get a lot better fast :-)) He plays Cribbage every day that his buddy is available, and I'm finding projects around the house to keep me busy.
One attempts normal when faced with the unknown.
It's been a hot September (although much cooler than nearby Tucson). We've had a few deer visits, while the Quail, Dove and Finch remain here en masse. They could go through a pound of feed a day!
Cochise County is large in size, but small in population, with lots of natural, historical and geological diversity. I'm looking forward to exploring, and learning about. as much of it as I can.
We do get the occasional interesting wildlife - I can never tell which end is the head on a Walking Stick! |
It's not unusual seeing Praying Mantis, but this year we've had a dozen hanging out for weeks. |
Simple drama on a drive to town. |
Sometimes we have two dozen Quail in the yard. |
A pair of cute fawns follow Mom to the water barrel. |
The Lowell District of Bisbee is like a walk through the past - a favorite stop for good breakfast at the BBC. |
A distant cousin rolled into town years ago and never rolled out. |
Okie dokie, gonna just keep on walking! |
Back porch evenings. |
I love watching the clouds change. |
I'll keep blogging for now. There are many things still up in the air, with lots of opportunity to find adventure in our new reality.