Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Porch Time Keeps Things Interesting

 June 15 - 30, 2024
Tombstone, Arizona

Photo overload - you've been warned!

Borrowed from our local FB page - incredible skies over the Tombstone Courthouse

Sloooooowing down is the theme for us these days. The Solstice on the 20th means summer is officially here, although the weather has been yelling SUMMER for several weeks. We haven't been under 90, with warmer-than-usual night time temps. 

Of course, because we're here this year, the monsoon season is forecast to be "not-so-much", although we've been watching storms move around us almost every evening. When the timing is right they give us gorgeous sunsets.

A rare sundog in the south.

One evening we get a huge thunder storm over the Mules to the southeast with the sky lighting up over and over and over. I attempt to capture the show.

I get a lot of these.

Finally! I quit and just sit on the porch and enjoy for 30 minutes. 

Our 360 degree views was the biggest draw for us in purchasing this property in 2019. Having covered porches on both sides of the house means getting to enjoy those views from sunup to sundown. But not all the enjoyment is in the distance. This time of year brings numerous birds and other wildlife to our feeders and water troughs. The braying donkey, the late day rooster, and the baying hound add occasional humorous layers to the soundtrack of singing, calling, chirping. 

A pair of Thrashers signal that I need to fill the water!

I watered our Texas Sage and got these beautiful blooms.

So, so pretty!

Two days later the rain made it to our yard - and put all the blooms on the ground!! Oh well, we need the rain more - and the birds loved all those fresh petals.

It's rare for us to get winds from the East - they're delightfully cooler!

Several days of calm.

"Normal" winds from the West.

We've had several Cottontail babies, but this is our first Jack Rabbit baby (note the flat tail).

Brown Head Cowbird - they always look so classic to me.

With darker points, this is likely a female Northern Cardinal rather than the similar juvenile. 

Mule Deer visit the water trough daily.

Size is the only difference between male and female Road Runners, so I named this one Rebel who has decided to call our yard home. They're here every day now. 

"Hey Tessa! Let's hang out!"

The interaction between the different birds is always entertaining, but one morning is especially fun with Rebel getting chased (very aggressively!) by a mama Quail. Two older babies are hidden in the brush with dad keeping close watch. Rebel tries to get close a couple times. But mama is NOT having it! Although they can, neither of them choose to fly, just run really, really fast - it's hysterical! And the babies are still fine several days later. 

Once Mama runs off the threat, Dad brings the kids out to play in the rocks.

Smaller than their cousins, these Bronze Cowbirds are distinguishable by their red eyes.

Aggressive and not particularly pretty, Thrashers have a lovely song.

We've had over 30 different species in the yard, but the Lazuli Bunting is by far the most beautiful (and rare).

I love the contrasting copper wings.
We see several different hawks in flight, but this Redtail Hawk stops long enough for a nice pic.

Teenage Quail look silly with their blonde topknots.

Becoming much more distinguished as adults.

Mother Nature is incredible, smart, creative, and mostly logical in her choices for clothing colors. One exception is the Northern Cardinal. In what environment do these bright red birds blend in? Here in the desert I'm sure you can see them from space! They aren't hiding from any predator, but yes, they're quite pretty.

Some House Finch (of which there are zillions) compete for bright red.

Mourning Dove choose red for just their footwear.

We're going through a ton of bird feed, but it's a small price to pay for so much entertainment!! We'll see who else comes to visit over the next several weeks.

The motorhome is back, slide repaired we hope for the final time. Still looking for door latch and dash unit, but for now it's fine as is. 

Back home.

Happy Henry lights up the world!

Ezra and Elliott enjoying vacation time in Colorado - riding a giant turtle!

M and M love Legoland.

Reese is getting so grown up - having fun on the lake.