July 1 - August 1, 2024
Tombstone, AZ and some California
Letting myself get this far behind with blog posts is self-defeating. Every time I sit down to "get caught up" I'm overwhelmed! I'm sure I'll miss something (oh no!) that I'd want to remember in the future, there'll be some photo I can't identify, so won't include, that is really important (or was important when I took it), a fun time with a friend will be left out and result in loss of said friend (as if) - the self-talk is exhausting!
Alas, jumping in seems the only real option.
July is all about having time with Ezra and Elliott. Plans have been made and adjusted and finalized for a "go-get-them" date of July 18th.
Prior to leaving, Bill's numbers finally meet the required level for effective in-home dialysis so that's a timely relief! Again, not something we could have ever managed on the road.
Tessa and I stop in Palm Desert where I'll learn in a couple days the 108 degrees is "mild" :-( A quick overnight visit with Brian in Frazier Park, CA; pick up the boys from where they're house-sitting with Shalise; and we're down the road mid-day for our big adventure.
Regardless of the heat, Tessa is happy with a nice patch of green grass to explore.
Deciding she's liking this hotel-life - watching the Olympics. |
The last stretch in SoCal - always six lanes backed up here. |
These are seasoned-travelers who normally power through many hours in the car, but it's vacation with Nawma and we're making a couple stops to play in hotel pools and eat poorly in our room and fun restaurants. Because we can.
Back at the same hotel in Palm Desert it's now 118 degrees. The look on Ezra's face when he opens the car door is priceless! Being a mountain kid for the last several years, these temps are only something he's seen in video-game-hellscapes! Elliott and Tessa are also unimpressed. I'm just focused on getting two kids, one dog, and an amazing large amount of "stuff" unloaded and into our room. Comfort Suites are consistently great stops with plenty of room for all of us.
Even though it's shaded from the buildings, the pool area is still very hot, the warm water not particularly refreshing, and we're all hungry. We opt for mac and cheese for the boys and a lovely glass of wine with salad for me just across the road before a quiet evening hanging out with movies and Legos in our room. It's a hot, but good start to our trip.
Tucked in to her own space. |
First leg fun with stretchy robots. |
"Big kid do it!" |
"Hi Mommy and Daddy - we're at our first stop!" |
Making sure big brother has finished before leaving the table. |
Post-bath wind down time. Ahhhhhh.... |
An hour of swimming before we pack up and move on in the morning. Cooler is better :-)
A great way to start the second day. |
One thing very different between RV and car travel is restroom breaks. Four travelers NEVER have to go at the same time! Only one adult means everybody goes inside every time, including dog in service vest avoiding hot asphalt. Another good reason for shorter travel days - I can usually make it to the hotel :-)
We try to remember a check-in pic for parents and PopPop each morning. |
Tempe gives us a slight break with only 115 degrees upon arrival. Early check-in gets us settled with plenty of time for lots of swimming in the (shaded again) nice pool. It's the most fun I've had in a long time!
My going under water is stressing Tessa - this is a very new experience that she clearly doesn't understand is fun and not an emergency. The boys continue splashing and jumping while I spend the last half hour on the lounge with my protector.
In 1994 their dad and uncle and I took a ten-state trip. I have pics of them playing in a hotel room with sticky straws on the window. 30 years later I send them these pics. For me, it's like yesterday. |
Pizza in the room and we're all asleep early after our active day. We're up early and on the road with coffees and hotel waffles - always a great start.
Making it an official road trip. |
Very focused. |
Public restroom advice. Cracked me up :-) |
We're glad to pull into the driveway, and PopPop is excited to see us all. Tombstone's cooler temps are very welcome! I once again appreciate the higher elevation of our desert home where it's 25 degrees cooler than Phoenix.
Homer! |
Robosaurus! |
When the grands are here we're especially glad we stuck with thick carpet for the rebuild. |
"I dance here." |
Tessa is great sharing space, including snuggling up on the couch. |
The house really comes alive with the addition of two kiddos! I have a great time playing with them. Lots of water play, library, movie theater, soccer play in the park, Legos and Xbox, kid food, rough-housing, and only a couple "we're kids!" kerfuffles all go by way too quickly. They catch up with their parents each evening, but never have issue with being far from home without them for the first time. Well-adjusted children are a blessing :-)
In the shade of the front porch is a great spot for water-table fun. |
And even better for the sprinkler pool. |
No greater sound than the joy of your grandchildren. |
Ezra as fountain statue. |
Sierra Vista has a lovely library with lots of interactive play - and great air conditioning! |
Morning bird watching. |
The whole theater to ourselves adds some adventure options we don't usually get :-) |
The movie is really cute, and the sun is really bright! |
They love showing PopPop "this, and this, and this" |
Too hot for much soccer in the park, but we gave it a try. |
They each have their own ball - smart Mom! |
Shade makes the playground a better option. |
In the blink of an eye it's time to return to California. We get on the road early enough to make a stop at the wonderful Children's Museum in Tucson where we spend a couple hours playing.
Back on the road with the sun to our backs. |
Lots of vehicles to play in and on at the transportation exhibit. |
Elliott isn't quite sure about the robo-chair. |
Interactive anatomy is a challenge :-) |
The building area has multiple materials in separate spaces - we spend a lot of time here. |
The outdoor area includes large musical instruments, bubble makers, water tables and these fun foam building blocks. |
Another great pool all to ourselves on our first return stop. |
Our return trip hits a couple snags with a left-behind bag of special Legos (major Nawma-guilt) in Goodyear, AZ, followed by our only unpleasant hotel stay in Beaumont, CA. But I get the boys returned safely to their parents mid-day on the 29th with lots of fun stories to share.
I'm beyond grateful for this time with these special boys, and for the trust their parents have in me to take them on this big adventure. I'm already looking forward to doing it again!!
Ready to brag about how organized we are until the next stop and find we've forgotten the Legos :-( |
"Here we come Mommy and Daddy, see you soon!!" |
We all enjoy a tasty dinner under the pines near their home and coffee on the porch next morning before I head out. A dear friend from my working and activist years lost her husband a couple months ago so I make a one-night stop at her lovely home in Orange County. Closer to the coast, it is a delightfully cool visit on her patio. I'm so happy to have this time to catch up with Lupe. Tessa meets her first tortoise (in the city, not at her desert home), and does NOT like being followed by this weird looking creature! Sweety has been with the family 30+ years and we are clearly in her space :-))
Back home snuggles with Mommy. |
At Lupe's, Sweety comes over to make friends with Tessa who finds a chair to get above the "assault". |
Despite the terrifying yard beast, Tessa could get used to this soft green grass. |
The next morning I aim for Casa Grande but have to bail in Gila Bend when a large dust storm meets up with a thunderstorm over the top of me. The hotel is nothing exciting, but it is clean and safe, and I'm out of the weather. I'm glad we didn't have this temporary drama when I had the boys!
The two storms converge ahead. |
When I get to the hotel the back hatch on the car won't open all the way because the wind is so strong! |
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Once they move on, the storms leave behind beautiful skies. I sleep well. |
Back home I make ready for Maggie's visit. This dear, dear friend and I always have such fun when we get together as part of larger gatherings. This time we've planned for a just-us visit. Perfect timing as she's able to drop Tessa and I at the Tucson airport on her way back to Tucson.
A much quieter visit than the previous week, we see Trap at the theater, make a day trip to Bisbee, and spend girl-time while bird-watching on the front porch. I share her with Bill a little bit too :-))
We love spending mornings with the Quail families. |
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Progress continues on the buildings damaged in the Valentines Day fire in Bisbee. |
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Our monsoons show off for Maggie each night. |
I'll save my week of travel from Seattle with Jeff for next time - hopefully with much less delay in posting.
Our Virginia girls, Reese and Penelope, enjoying their July 4th celebration. |
A fun day at the park for Henry. |
July 4th fun for M&M |