The shop is open for appointment only during the week so we had the place to ourselves with very personal service from Kate. She even added additional chain to expand the length of the trike for Bill's long legs. Although he is still "pre-new-knees", he was able to ride comfortably after the adjustment. The additional chain meant it could not be adjusted "back down" enough for me to ride so sharing was not an option. I liked the look of another unit and Kate set it up for me to try. Wow, the Rambler is so comfortable and easy to move. It is also lighter weight with a slightly higher seat than the Rover. While I had come in looking for a 3-speed model, Bill was thinking we needed at least 8 speeds if we want to take advantage of more locations. Kate and Dana (owner) agreed that anything less would greatly limit our trail options. Both the Rover and the Rambler are available with 8-speeds.
After reviewing the specs that were most important to us we decided that the 8-speed Rambler was a good fit for us. So we left the shop and said we'd come back when we were ready to buy......
Ha! We bought two of them of course!
Until then we have lots of paseos and trails to ride locally and they are a great addition to our "getting fit" program.
The biggest challenge will be not going crazy on accessories - there are sooooo many!
Feels great to check off another item from the list!
Looks like lots of fun!