Friday, June 14, 2024

Under the Dome

 June (!!!!) 1 - 14, 2024
Tombstone, Arizona

The Whetstone Mountains wrapped in color.

And Boom! it's June.

Being in the desert, being at the house, feels weird this time of year. It is decidedly different from the other seasons we usually spend here. Not just higher temps, but an even slower pace around us. Would be hard for our pace to be much slower these days! 

Plans for my solo travels with family, and a little yard maintenance keep me somewhat busy. The ugly Heat Dome moves in (here and a lot of other places) the first week of the month squashing most motivation to be outside. I'm even more grateful to be retired with nothing requiring me to be "out there in it". 

Eeeesh. I'm grateful it's not the norm here.

The first day we reach into triple digits the AC stops putting out cold air. I notice it on my way out the door for an appointment in Sierra Vista. Gone a little over two hours, when I return the problem has been fixed. Bill called our local HVAC service and they were at the house in 30 minutes with what was needed in their truck. A few days later the unit is just not keeping up so I call them again. Ten minutes the guy is a the door! The last time the tech missed something that is easily remedied, we're not charged for another service call, the house is cooled down quickly. 

For me good customer service doesn't mean mistakes are never made. It's more about how mistakes are handled. In this case we're pleased with the customer service!

We enjoy our porches in the morning, watching the birds, deer and the occasional lizard. Our wildlife trough is kept topped off in this heat. So far most of our baby Quail are surviving the Road Runners, snakes and Ravens. The big covey of ten babies still have nine, and the older covey of six is still six! The IPhone doesn't capture them as more than blurry rocks so I need to remember my camera. One morning a pair of Ravens dance overhead, it's so quiet we hear their wings wooshing in rhythm. Small blessings.

Stopping by for a drink.

Some mornings you can almost see "the dome" of heat.

Our electric service is a co-op, and I continue to be impressed by how they operate. With high winds, monsoons, snow, high temps, and the occasional driver taking on a power pole, there are year-round opportunities for outages. We've had a few of them each of the years we've had the house. Not only are they rarely lengthy, updates are provided via text with enough information that we're not guessing what and when. A few days after the AC repair, the power goes down. Fortunately it's a cooler day. A text tells me the time and location of the reported failure closest to us. In this case it's just down the street. Expected to be restored within 3 hours. The local FB page lets me know it's pretty widespread. Less than an hour later we're back on :-) Getting the texts is especially helpful if you're not at the house - so you know when to come back! Our friends and family in Texas should be so fortunate.

After the shop has the motorhome for a week they call and ask us to come "take a look at something we found". I don't imagine it's a stash of $100 bills? 


It is however maybe an explanation for the ongoing large slide issues. We can't see it, but the tech "shows us" where the flooring has dropped on that side in the back, and explains how this caused the mechanism to shift and strip wires on that motor. Okaaaaay. He's been dreading telling us, but thinks he can fix it for us. They still can't find (and neither can I after much searching) a replacement door lock or dash stereo/camera unit so even with the slide working I don't know when we'll have a motorhome we can travel in.


Clearly it's a good thing we weren't able to head out last month, and in hindsight it's a blessing we're at the house for several reasons. 

But oh that beach sounds heavenly on these hot days! 

The best way to spend a hot summer day, Oliver contemplates the first bite.

Henry graduates pre-K!

Oliver joins cousins M&M for cherry-picking. Yum!


  1. 105? No thanks! Glad you got the AC up and running again, and again.... Love the fact that you provide water to the critters out there. I am sure they appreciate it!

    1. This week I've added another ground level water source for the bunnies and birds - it's been brutal!!

  2. I so agree with your customer service statement--follow through is important! Our electric here in Montana is also a co-op and I so love having those updates over social media--it helps! Those are some nasty temps!! I want Oliver's ice cream cone--I wonder how his spiffy outfit looked after the ice cream! :) :)

    1. LOL that's exactly what I thought when I saw Oliver's spiffy outfit "before" the ice cream cone :-)))

  3. Yikes! I know we should expect it, but darn - its HOT. We left on our summer trip yesterday and made it to Boulder City. I guess we haven't driven far in this kind of heat before and I guess we'll try to NOT do it again. We were all whipped by the end of the day and it took til this morning for Beluga to cool down. Finger's crossed that that slide issue gets fixed for good this time. Love the pensive ice cream picture..... Stay cool!

    1. At least you're hopefully going in the right direction for cooler temps. Once those metal boxes soak up the heat it takes soooo long to get comfortable. Safe travels!!!

  4. Oh, that's way too hot...and it's heading our way next week. 😳 (Although we're looking at temps in the high 80s, not over 100. But it is more humid here!) Thank goodness for air conditioning and for quick service when something goes awry. And for returning quickly when something didn't get fixed right the first time. You are so good at appreciating the small blessings.

    1. Sorry we didn't soak it all up before it moves your way - sure seems like we must have! We are happier with the lack of humidity with these temps, but are sure hoping for monsoons to start soon. I'm often surprised by the things people complain about so I hopefully remember to make note when things are done well.

  5. Hi Jodee! I am thrilled to read you have baby Gambles. We have seen very few of them. They are the cutest little birds! After having lived in the MH during many summers, Joe and I decided we don’t like living in/traveling in the MH in the summer. The sticks & stucco just seems to be lots more comfortable. Fingers crossed here for rain soon…and lots of it! I love the monsoon storms! Jena just sent a photo of Edith with an ice cream cone…in the car! Jena is brave! Edith will be 3 the end of July. How old is Oliver?

    1. It's especially fun that we have those babies of different ages :-) I do appreciate the good air conditioning of the house for sure - and not having to depend on an awning for shade in the wind!! Oliver will be 3 in December. Woooo, in the car is indeed brave!

  6. Beautiful sunset but oh my triple digits. We're even having these 90s in Vermont which is just seriously unacceptable but I suppose it's only going to get worse as long as we put off doing the difficult things we must do.
    Really envy you being a part of a co-op I'm part of a big uncaring power company while the people less than a half a mile from me have much more reliable power with the co-op. I asked to switch and was told no I'm sorry. I'll just bet they were.
    Your little Pre-K graduate is absolutely darling. I had one of my very own. So funny graduation from pre-k.

    1. How exciting that you're back in Vermont - but not with 90 degrees :-( Our electricity co-op and private, local water company have both been great for us. Not what we were used to in the big city. I'm a fan of celebrating rites of passage, recognizing finishing something. I could use a graduation ceremony for figuring out streaming services on the TV!

  7. While the heat doesn't surprise us since we've been here for six years, this heat dome SO early is scary for how the rest of the summer will go. Right now we are enjoying our two day "vacation" from the heat before it heats up again. Our A/C stopped cooling the other week. Of course, it was 4:15. Thank goodness we had a local company that was still open and took care of it quickly. This is the first time you've had an answer to your continued slide issue, isn't it? Sure hope this tech is able to get the slide and flooring straightened out. Fingers crossed!!!! How nice of you to water the wildlife:) Oliver has the right idea for the heat. Love your opening photo!!

    1. I always laugh and say "Desert and summer!" as a reminder where we live and what we should expect :-) But yeah, this early is scary for sure. Glad you also have a reliable local HVAC service - it's a blessing. We're definitely hoping this is the last time our slide will fail us! Haven't got the bill yet so we'll see if we can also afford to drive it :-)))
