Friday, February 14, 2025

Failure to Launch

 February 1 - 14, 2025
Tombstone, Arizona

Lots of "well crap" times include equal amounts of "thank goodness" when escalating to "holy crap" is avoided.

You can quote me.

Neuropathy is part of the diabetes package. Bill has had it for years in his extremities, rarely more than an occasional annoyance. With the addition of the dialysis fistula in his forearm he's had increasing pain in that hand as well as the other. Always worse at night, he finds some relief with the adjustable bed and prescription pain meds. 

It dawns on me, almost too late, that the bed in the RV is not adjustable and there is no recliner option for getting comfortable. A trial overnight stay in our yard seems prudent. 

He lasts an hour.

The "thank goodness" is that we didn't drive six hours only to find out Bill can't sleep in PJ with the current conditions. It would have been the same with the bigger rig. Our friends already have a houseful so figuring out any changes after the fact would have been a hassle, or even not available. 

The "well crap" is obvious. We stay put.

Reservations are made for a week in SoCal next month so we have to figure out something before then. 

During preparations the last couple weeks I've learned a few more of PJ's "things". Being a basic unit means I spend time trying to figure out how something works only to learn that something doesn't exist.

Want to confirm you're successfully hooked up to 30 amp? Check the microwave. If it works, you're hooked up. There is no read-out or light, etc.

PJ has a typical RV frig with both AC and propane power sources. What her frig doesn't have is the option to run on the house battery. Soooo on travel days the frig is off unless we want to leave the propane on, which we absolutely do not. 

A couple large ice blocks will work, and it gives me another excuse for short travel days!

The drawers all fly open at the slightest curve in the road, after-market magnets don't line up, child locks don't hold, it's a work-in-progress with a bungee cord temporary fix. 

Great news when we take PJ to the new Maverick truck stop in Benson where they have a very accessible dump station. And I learn I can do it easily. This is more of a big deal than one might think, as I could never dump the Tuscany. The outgoing pipe didn't line up with the hole in the bottom of the compartment, and after many attempts over several years to hook up the sewer hose I finally admitted defeat. Bill was able (obviously) to tweak it just right, but I was never going to make it happen.

So knowing I can handle this important detail opens up opportunities I never had with the bigger rig. 

I finally remember to get some overdue PJ interior pics. She's pretty cute!

The only kitchen outlet is beside the door to the left of the sink which isn't great.

A couple large windows make it very bright with the shades up.

The only slide unfolds the queen bed with walk around access. Both side shelves have phone chargers and USB ports.

The upstairs bedroom.

Plenty of bathroom space. The medicine cabinet is huge.

The large closet above two large drawers give us plenty of storage options in the bedroom.

I can't wait to live in her for a few nights!

As is often the case, our February starts out with higher temps. 80 degrees on the back porch does not feel like Winter! When I finally make it to Tucson for a massage, it's nearly 90!! Fortunately it's short-lived and although no rain, we do return to colder.


I prefer a moody, cloudy winter day.

Clouds paint the western skies at sunset.

Dare I say I loved the Super Bowl halftime show? Just wow!! Clearly the game was horrible. I can't even..... 

I thought the commercials were better this year than in the last several years - the Budweiser colt pushing the keg and the Doritos UFO were my favorites with their writers consistently bringing the best. Harrison Ford's Jeep commercial was pretty good too. With all the money spent on those spots I imagine many were missed by Chiefs' fans who bailed before the end of the game. Myself included. I'm not a masochist!  

My choice for MVP.
Rebecca is unable to get the last two episodes of Yellowstone for some reason, and they are SO brilliant that I really want to share them with her. Friday we get together at the house to make that happen and enjoy a little lunch. The winds have returned and it's especially nice to be tucked inside with friends, fun and food!

Our sweet, sweet Penelope and Reese.

Little M is always cool :-)

Ezra loves being a mountain-kid, especially on Snow Days!

Elliott's little snow ball is very special.


  1. You two are to good at thinking outside the box ... You'll figure out the needs of PJ to make it yours and really enjoy it. It's a good looking unit. We use the little overhead bunk for storage, although the grads remind us it's the 'Girl's Loft' !!

    1. LOL yep, Ezra claimed the loft over Christmas! Making it all work for us is part of the challenge, and the fun.

  2. Susan told me you guys weren't coming through Wickenburg due to Bill's neuropathy and my brain just couldn't figure out RV/neuropathy but now it all makes sense! And thank goodness is right that you didn't drive all the way to Kingman! Poor Bill, dang it!! It's fun to figure out a new rig, most of the time. We have owned how many RVs--too many to count--and we have always left our propane on for the refrigerator while traveling--just us! I'm glad you enjoyed the half time performance! :) :)

    1. I can see where the correlation would be challenging! You guys do hold the record of RVers I know for the most number of RVs for sure. You must be experts at learning how things work :-) I'm learning that many travel with the propane on for the frig so we'll probably give that a try.


  3. Hi Jodee…it’s so awesome when things work out the way they are suppose to. Fingers crossed the sleeping and reclining issues will be resolved so you and Bill can get to SoCal. It’s always a challenge to figure out new things and a good exercise for the brain, but I have to say I am much happier when those challenges don’t present themselves…a creature of habit I am! I loved the choreography for the half time show…but the music not so much. Just send me back to the 60s, 70s and 80s when it comes to music! And now I have to finish watching Yellowstone! We don’t have TV in the MH so I know why I’ll be doing when we get home!

    1. At this point I'm happy for the challenges that resolve quickly :-)) I think you'll agree that they wrapped up the Yellowstone story in the absolute best way possible. I was really impressed.

  4. We have been looking at new rigs too. So many things to consider! We are thinking of Bill and hoping things settled down for him. Curious, why don't you want to travel with your fridge on propane?

    1. I'm excited to see what you find to replace your truck camper - there are so many more options these days. I'm hoping we've found something to get Bill comfortable moving forward. I'm a wuss when it comes to propane and the potential for blowing myself up - but since I'm clearly the minority I'll bite the bullet and travel with it on :-))

  5. I nominate your first sentence to be the first sentence of the book you must must write. What a great piece of prose!! No one could possibly not want to read on.

    Add me to those who leave their refrigerator on automatic to switch back-and-forth between propane and shore power wherever I am.

    Added to the fact that I couldn't afford to trade rigs on my shocking one income these days is also the fact that I'm not in the mood for getting to know someone new. Seems like too much work and too many surprises. Hats off to you for your stamina in all things.

    Give Bill some extra hugs from me. David had neuropathy too and it is just the pits. I hope his isn't the constant electric toes and fingers kind.

    1. Thanks for the nomination - a moment of inspiration I guess :-))
      I'm glad I raised the propane on/off issue as I'm no longer concerned about leaving it on having heard from you seasoned gas frig users - and I'll have more room without that big block of ice!
      Bill's pain is limited to his hands after years of numbness and tingling in his feet and toes. If he can keep that pain managed he's feeling pretty good.

  6. It's a hard, but very good, thing to see problems as "challenges" and then Challenges as "fun"!
    We, too, drive with the propane on......

    1. One of the gifts of having the blog is looking back at the problems we had along the way and realizing in hindsight they were almost always just challenges to be resolved that rarely ruined the fun. I try to remember that :-)
      After all the years in the Tuscany, I once again feel like a new RVer - I took a lot for granted in that coach.

  7. I love your answer above to Sue about looking back on challenges. You are definitely resilient and your focus on problem solving and choosing happiness serve you well! I enjoyed seeing PJ's interior and all of your special decorating touches. Oh, and add us to your RVing buddies who always traveled with the propane on. (Except when taking a ferry!!)

    1. I think we're all pretty resilient, facing unforeseen bumps along the way - look at all your moves and weather-slams! Adding the bees really brightened up PJ for me, little touches make a big difference in such a small space.

  8. So sorry to hear your maiden voyage didn't quite work out. What a smart idea to do the driveway trial. Not sure I would have thought of that. Hope you can come up with a fix quickly. Yes, downsizing after all that room in the big MH was a little challenging. Finding new homes for everything and figuring out how all works is "fun" game at times. We're here with full hookups if you ever get this way, solo or otherwise. You're welcome any time:) Penelope and Reese are just the cutest girls ever! Living in the mountains in the winter provides endless fun outside.

    1. Since I haven't loaded clothes or food I can't tell how much "real" room I'm going to have. Right now I have mostly empty cupboards so I'm optimistic :-)) A stay at the Wright Place is definitely on the list!
