Saturday, February 3, 2024

The Rest of January

 January 12 - 31, 2024
Tombstone, Arizona

Our fifth (!) winter in Southern Arizona confirms again that this is a great location for both a winter-base and a come-off-the-road house. This year has been especially lovely with less wind and pretty snow all around us. Our sunsets have been spectacular!

We never tire of our front porch view of Sheepshead.

A brief dusting of snow highlights the unique geology of the area.

Of course if you don't like the weather, just wait five minutes! We've had everything from highs of 40 to highs of 72, cold and cloudy to bright and sunny skies. Given that we drive into Sierra Vista nearly every day, it's wonderful to have the ever-changing views.

It's been a while since we drove up to Montezuma Pass so we choose an especially beautiful day to get back up there. The views are breathtaking in all directions from the 6600 foot summit. Although it's been sunny for several days, we still find mud and snow in the shady spots.

The Coronado National Monument VC is nestled in the trees and rocks - so pretty!

Views include 100 miles into Mexico.

We're always so impressed with big, hearty foliage that grows from rock walls!

The road is narrow and rough is spots, but it doesn't seem like it climbs that much until you look at where you've come from.

With all our appointments and the remoteness of our house, we decide it's time to have a second car. For the first time in eight years we're ready for two sets of keys! The day after we decide, we drive home our new-to-us 2019 Ford Escape. It does everything but wash your hair, and is fun to drive :-) The timing's good as the Jeep goes in for body work (from the deer-strike before Christmas), and we don't have to rent a car.

The dash sleeps four!

Family is making plans to come for visits in the next few months which is very exciting. Bill's nephew and his wife will be here in March, and Oliver is bringing his parents in May. With our trips to Kingman for Superbowl, and the reunion in California in April, our year is filling out quickly.

Bill may also have new options available that could potentially allow us to travel in the future - more to come!

Bisbee is always a fun day trip, places to visit, things to see, beautiful drive through the canyon. Tessa and I spend an easy day revisiting this historic Arizona landmark.

I love the ghost trees that line the river this time of year.

Ready or not, here comes February!

Ezra thinks kitty snuggles are the best!

M and M climb their dad :-)

Little Man Oliver is getting so grown up.

:-))))) what's up Elliott??


  1. We go back and forth whether Arizona or Florida is the best place to spend the winter. Last year was Arizona, this year is Florida. Next year? Yet to be determined. Texas maybe? Each have their pros and cons. Bisbee is a great little town though, so fun to walk through!

    1. The coldest winter we ever had was in southern Texas, but we did enjoy the Corpus Christi area. Also Louisiana was a good winter :-) Bisbee never changes but somehow there's always something new to see!

  2. I’m so happy for blogs…such a great way to catch up with you and see our beautiful world thru your lens. Congrats on the new car…we have been tossing that idea around too. I will definitely be checking out Montezuma Pass as I am not familiar with it. Bisbee has been and continues to be on our radar…twice we have had reservations at Queen Mine and both times (once weather and once a puppy) had to cancel. I am determined this is the year! The second best part of this post are your beautiful grandbabies and the very best part of this blog is hope for Bill. Elliot’s face says it all…

    1. You can make the Montezuma Pass a loop but it's a looooong (but very pretty) drive to go all the way around. When you do get there you'll love quirky and historic Bisbee :-)

  3. Those blue eyes of Elliott's! It has been a good winter in our valley but lately ready for some warmth! I'm with Gay--the sentence that sticks out in this blog is "hope for Bill." We have two vehicles here this year and I must say we've found it convenient.

    1. That Elliott pic makes me laugh every time! It was definitely time for us to have a second set of wheels.

  4. The colors of the ever changing Arizona sky, never disappoint. We enjoyed a visit to Bisbee years ago, your adventure there sure has us wanting to go again. Congrats on the new car, new options for Bill and travel plans being made.

    1. Looking back at yearly posts I see that January has consistently given us great sunsets - a nice balance with the colder temps we always get along with them!

  5. January was a bust for us this year, I'm glad it's in the rear-view mirror. February is beginning to look busy and fun so bring it on! Bisbee has always a favorite place for us, so quirky and photogenic, filled with interesting folks.... I love the skies here in Arizona, especially in the winter. Nice to have two cars, it's been a long time since I had my own (I don't really miss it though....) It will be wonderful to have family in and out this spring. Lots to look forward to, especially "options"! See you soon!

    1. Yes, see you soon :-) Bisbee never disappoints and continues to draw the tourism in all seasons.

  6. Fantastic pictures Jodee. I can sure see how you would love those desert skies and your great Mountain View.
    Congrats on your new car. I'm glad you really like it. You are so funny "the dash sleeps 4". I wonder if I should have looked at it as a toad but maybe it cannot be done four down.

    Fingers crossed for Bill and traveling though you seem to have a pretty full schedule as it is.

    Bisbee is definitely on my list for that someday trip out West. Your pictures and the great sign look like chamber of commerce material.

    Always wonderful to see your grands. Elliot cracks me up.

    I would like to talk to Jim and Barb about where they stayed for Arizona, Florida and Texas winters.

    1. Thanks Sherry! The Escape is another vehicle that used to be towable four down, but no longer :-( Given the size of the RV community I don't understand why car manufacturers are going in the opposite direction. The Wrangler has nearly cornered the market for toads - 75% from what we're seeing. Pull up Jim's blog from my blog roll and search those locations. They mostly boondock but do use national and state parks too.

  7. Jodee, you are surrounded by such vast beauty! Your landscape photos are wonderful. And lucky you to be close to Bisbee, one of my all-time favorite quirky artistic little towns. Scrolling through your photos makes me feel like I'm strolling down Main Street. :-) I hope those possibilities for Bill become reality because I know how much you two enjoy your further-afield travel adventures. Love the photos of your adorable grands. I'm with Ezra on the kitty snuggles!

    1. We really are surrounded by a great variety of pretty! "Bisbee is Mayberry on Acid" is one of my favorite descriptions of a small town :-) That boy is part cat himself :-)

  8. Snow capped mountains are the best! Congratulations on the new car! Your description had me laughing. Bisbee is such a fun little town. I wish we lived closer. Great photos of the grands:)

    1. Wish we did too!! We're loving the new little car and still getting used to all the "things" it does :-)

  9. I love Bisbee! Those grands are so cute! And those eyes!!
