Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Random. Ridiculous. Heart-Breaking. Life

 January 15 - 21, 2025
Tombstone, Arizona

The first two years of this blog are pre-fulltime travels. Looking back I found a lot of random life to blog about as well as all the preparation for our big adventure. I "met" many of you during those first years, some sharing the same preparations, others just ahead of us, a few seasoned road-veterans. Most of us have come off the road at least part-time, and I'm glad that so many continue your blogs or at least FB posts to keep us all in touch. 

At the end of 2019 we shifted to having an Arizona home-base with plans to travel 8 months a year. First COVID and then health and repair issues changed our reality to part-timers, grateful for the security of having a house to return to. 

Feels like I'm back to random-life blogging :-))

I'm not sure yet what we "are" now, but that little white RV in our lot keeps me motivated for more adventure. 

Inside the house we look and feel a little different with the arrival of new furniture. I hear of many people waiting weeks or months for shipments, but we were fortunate that the pieces I chose were in the the local warehouse making our wait one of days instead. Yay!

After Jeff and I move out the four pieces that were our huge and heavy 3-recliner sofa, I camp one evening before the delivery.

I'm happy with the change to a charcoal couch you can lie down on and having a coffee table again. My electric recliner is much more comfortable than the previous chair. Although I was disappointed I didn't find an orange one!

After one night of sleeping on the floor Tessa approves of the new couch, and sleeps there every night like she did on the old one. The priority of course.....

Although we are scary-dry, so far without our usual big puffy white clouds to break up the clear blue skies, it's consistently cold with lows below freezing most nights. Not cold like much of the eastern half of the country, but we know it's Winter! 

Our winters have their own beauty.

During summer monsoons arroyos like this rage with water. Usually for hours, not days. These haven't felt moisture for months.

Looking back, we've always had amazing January sunsets.

In addition to capturing beautiful colors, our 2-year old dual pane windows were a great investment that make a big difference in our comfort.

It is ridiculous that grown, semi-intelligent, adults become so vested in the outcome of games played by millionaires moving a weird shaped ball up and down a 100 yard field. 

And yet.

The Detroit Lions' loss is devastating to me. More so than any loss my Steelers have ever suffered. I was just so rooting for this incredible Lions team to finally get their shot at the Super Bowl, that when they lose their playoff game I don't even want to watch anymore games, even the Super Bowl. Ridiculous. Real.

So sorry dude.

Alas the Ravens' loss (sorry Pam and John) perks me up some (also ridiculous), and I'm ready to see which two teams go to the big game. We'll be joining our high-school pals in Kingman again so even more to look forward to. A gathering of ridiculous adults, what could be better??

It's calmed down, but the fire danger in SoCal continues. Most of our kids and grands live there. Henry and Cassidy and their folks were two blocks from the evacuation area of one fire, and the others are surrounded by dry canyons subject to high winds, just miles from the northern perimeter of two other fires. It's not a new concern in those areas, but given the recent devastation it's much worse this year. I can't wrap my head around the loss of entire communities - miles of homes and businesses. It's heart-breaking whether you're a famous wealthy person or a store-clerk barely getting by. The hateful "observations" of those who don't see that are as ugly as any looting. 

Henry in quiet, beautiful contemplation. 

Cuddle-bug Cassidy

Reese's big-girl moment :-)

Penelope up close with Mom, Reese up close with "Bear" (arriving in April). Priceless.


  1. Good morning Jodee…from one random blogger to another, I’m so happy you still blog! I have thought many times when writing a post “This is the last one!”. But I so enjoy the connection with you and several other friends that I would not have other wise so “random” it is and I’m thankful for that! Everyday musings might not be as adventurous as the “rolling” days, but it’s living and friends and staying in touch supporting one another and sometimes just saying “Hi!” that means the most. (I haven’t done FB in years!) It could rain for days and I wouldn’t mind. It is so dry. My heart aches for the folks in NC and in CA. Joe and I are not “football” folks except I do follow some college teams. It was a big thing growing up to spend Saturdays with my grandad…several radios and TVs all on and carrying various games at the same time. Of course Alabama and Bear Bryant were his favorite! All your grands have beautiful eyes and such sweet smiles! And I still love those freckles!

    1. That was me…

    2. I really do look forward to seeing all the random our friends are "doing" in the everyday. I've mostly been off FB myself for months but like to catch up with friends who no longer blog. I too have fun football memories with my dad - we've come a ways since listening to the radio games :-)

  2. I think it is only natural to question what you are doing and/or why. I sometimes get in a funk when it comes to blogging as well. I was in a funk last week because my beloved Vikings lost. Then I pumped myself back up to root for the Lions. Not sure who I like now, not the Raven or Eagles, maybe Washington? They have been on a long dry spell. But then again, if I root for them, they are sure to lose!

    1. LOL! That's how I feel so often, like a big jinx! I don't even want to cheer or predict now :-)

  3. Hi Jodee! - I have to admit we (as in Fran) was thrilled when The Ohio State won the National Championship! She broke her Dry January resolution with a glass of wine. So much for resolutions. And speaking of dry ... this arid drought can end any time!
    Your furniture additions look good. A powered recliner is heavy!, hope the delivery folks set it up for you.
    Your Grands just keep getting grander! and Reese with her 'pumpkin' smile ...

    1. Great win for the Buckeyes! The dry and winds are so deadly, hope your area stays safe. The delivery guys brought everything in and set them up quickly. We could never have moved the old couch if it had been electric - soooo heavy!

  4. I like the new furniture! And I'm on the same page with blogging--I toyed with ditching the blog but moving mine to a free Wordpress site just isn't feasible due to photo storage limits. Can't figure out what to do! Michael and I aren't football people--when it's Super Bowl time I usually have to ask someone who is playing! :)

    1. I've always been on Blogger free of charge and no issues. A good thing everybody doesn't follow football or nothing would ever get done on all those Sundays!

  5. I'm so happy to have met you and Bill through these blogs and enjoy keeping up with your life, random, exciting or scary. I know many (most?) of us have transitioned to some sort of house life and I think it's even more important to keep blogging. I used to write daily and now sometimes struggle to write monthly, but whenever we "see" each other it's great. Now that we know each other (all of us), random life is interesting!

    Love the new furniture, is it comfy? I'm not much of a football person, but Dave does hoot and holler at the TV regularly!

    1. I can still remember when we were both selling our homes to go fulltime, and meeting you in person at Lone Pine!! What fun us blogger-buddies have had :-))
      Both pieces are really comfy. I'm super happy with the recliner that fits my not-so-tall person!

  6. I love your new charcoal sofa!! We have a charcoal sofa, too, and it is comfortable and wonderful and my feet even touch the floor if I'm sitting all the way back. Most importantly, Magnolia likes it and it's the perfect color to not show cat fur, hahaha!! I'm so glad we connected through our blogs all those many years ago, and then met up in real life in our travels around the country. I admire your ability to blog no matter what is going you have probably noticed, I get sidetracked by big life changes and can't seem to blog. But then I get back to it, and I'm so glad that my friends are still there. Hugs to you three! Love the photos of your darling grands.

    1. That last photo is a framer for sure. I too am so glad you are still blogging and I get to have at least a little window on your life regardless of where I am. I so admire your ability to make "regular life" so interesting with your thoughts and musings. I'm not sure I do as well when I am "back at the farm". Even on the road, I feel like I go the same places over and over and readers must feel "been there, done that".
      I totally understand when "your team" suffers a huge important loss and you feel like you don't want to watch any more. That happens to me when the ACC doesn't fare well in basketball. But then there is always Dawn Staley to perk me up. And you have that great gathering to look forward to.
      Fingers crossed that the fires do not move closer to your family. So much loss in California.

    2. No matter where you are I'm always excited to see you've posted! Having seen so much of the country in our past travels I find I'm more and more attracted to familiar places that are favorites. As much as I enjoy football I'm usually ready for the "off-season" :-)
      Glad to say the kiddos are all untouched by the fires, although the latest got way to close.

    3. I'm really pleased with the neutral but classic color of this couch. Thankfully Tessa doesn't shed her white hair so she can enjoy sleeping on it all day :-) Yes we've had some fun meetups - like the first random meeting at Devils Post Pile! I don't know what the trick is, but I've recently gotten the blog-bug again and have been motivated to write and read regularly again. Looking forward to your next post!

  7. My Feedly account on my computer is having some difficulties so here I am anonymous on the phone commenting. Great new furniture! We love our electric recliners. It's nice to be able to make small adjustments. Life off the road full-time is definitely different. Luckily, we can still be in touch through blogs or social media. I too, was sorry to see the Lions lose. Their fans are so dedicated and have waited so long. John still has his Eagles hanging in there. The Raven's, oh, well. But MY Chiefs are still there. Super grand photos. Pam and John

    1. The Commanders are their own Cinderella story with Daniels looking like another Mahomes - could be an interesting match up! We laugh about being in an electric recliner when the power goes out but yes they're great for betting the exact right position. Computer issues are such a pain!
